Chillers O & M & its troubleshooting Q & A in Details
HVAC Chillers Maintenance: Comprehensive Guide HVAC chillers are critical components in maintaining the cooling systems for buildings, industrial processes, and large facilities. To ensure they perform optimally, it is crucial to regularly maintain chillers. Below, I'll outline the key maintenance types for chillers, common issues, and a detailed Q&A to help you understand the procedures. Types of Chillers Air-Cooled Chillers: These use air to dissipate heat. They are commonly used for smaller or medium-sized applications. Water-Cooled Chillers: These use water to remove heat from the refrigerant. They are more efficient and generally used in larger installations. Absorption Chillers: These use a heat source (like steam or hot water) instead of electricity to operate, commonly used in large-scale industrial applications. Centrifugal Chillers: High-capacity units, typically water-cooled, used in large commercial or industrial buildings. Screw and Scroll Chillers: These are pos